

Term: enterotoxin
Literally meaning: toxin of intestine
Origin: Anc Greek
???????/enteron(=intestine, bowel) < ?????/entos(=inside, within)

+???????/toxikon(= poison used to poison arrow heads)
A peptide or protein that is produced by living organisms in the intestine  and is capable of causing disease mainly by affecting the gastrointestinal tract and causing vomiting, diarrhoea, and abdominal pain.

- Parenteral
Term: parenteral (adj) Literally meaning: ?not through bowel? Origin: Anc Greek????-/para (=past by, over) ???????/enteron(=intestine, bowel) < ?????/entos(=inside, within) Coined/History(?) DefinitionParental pertaining to treatment not through the...

- Enterocolitis
Term: enterocolitisLiterally meaning: "inflammation of of the colon and small intestine?Origin: Anc Greek???????/enteron(=intestine, bowel) < ?????/entos(=inside, within)???????/colitis(=inflammation of the colon  and is often used to describe...

- Enteric
Term: entericLiterally meaning: " intestinal?Origin: Anc Greek???????/enteron(=intestine, bowel) < ?????/entos(=inside, within)Coined/History (?)Definition Enteric: Pertaining to intestine (adj), ...

- Toxemia
Term: Toxemia (blood poisoning) Origin: Anc Greek ???????/toxicon(=(poison used to poison arrow heads) > ?????/toxon(bow)  + ?????/-hemia (=suffix denoting blood) Coined: ? (In 1930, Rowe coined the term "allergic toxemia" to describe a syndrome...

- Toxic
Term: toxic (adj) Origin: Anc Greek ???????/toxikon(= poison used to poison arrow heads)  > ?????/toxon(bow) Definition: adj pertaining to or caused by poison or a toxin...

