

Term: Toxemia (blood poisoning)

Origin: Anc Greek ???????/toxicon(=(poison used to poison arrow heads) > ?????/toxon(bow)  + ?????/-hemia (=suffix denoting blood)

Coined: ?

(In 1930, Rowe coined the term "allergic toxemia" to describe a syndrome of depression, fatigue,  and nervousness. although the term allergic toxemia is not used anymore.)


A serious medical condition as the result of

1. the spread of bacterial products (toxins) by the bloodstream or

 2. the hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.

- Cholaemia Or Cholaemia
Term: cholaemia or cholaemiaLiterally meaning: ?blood with bile?-?????/-hemia (=suffix denoting blood) > ????/hema(=blood)????/chole (=bile) > ?????/cholos(=green because of its colour  or (=anger metaphorically)Origin: Anc Greek-?????/-hemia...

- Toxidrome
Term: toxidromeLiterally meaning: ?portmanteau word of toxic and syndrome?Origin: Anc Greek???????/toxikon(=poison used to poison arrow heads) >????/toxo(=bow)+??????/dromos(= road, street) > ???????/dedroma(=past perfect of verb ???????/trecho...

- Enterotoxin
Term: enterotoxinLiterally meaning: toxin of intestineOrigin: Anc Greek???????/enteron(=intestine, bowel) < ?????/entos(=inside, within) +???????/toxikon(= poison used to poison arrow heads) > ?????/toxon(bow) Coined/History(?)Definition A...

- Toxin
Term: toxin Coined:  by chemist Ludwig Brieger  (1849?1919)  Origin: Anc Greek ???????/toxikon(= poison used to poison arrow heads)  > ?????/toxon(bow) Definition: A  peptide or protein that is produced by living...

- Toxic
Term: toxic (adj) Origin: Anc Greek ???????/toxikon(= poison used to poison arrow heads)  > ?????/toxon(bow) Definition: adj pertaining to or caused by poison or a toxin...

