

Term: enterocolitis
Literally meaning: "inflammation of of the colon and small intestine?
Origin: Anc Greek
???????/enteron(=intestine, bowel) < ?????/entos(=inside, within)
???????/colitis(=inflammation of the colon  and is often used to describe an inflammation of the large intestine).
>?????/colon(=?????/colon(=large intestine)
> the word
????? is the pariciple of the verb ??????/kolazo (=punish, excaudate, cut)
Enterocolitis is the inflammation of small intestine (enteritis) and large intestine (colitis) characterized by symptoms susch as fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and rectal bleeding.

- Ileum
Term: ileumLiterally meaning: twistedOrigin: Anc Greek ?????/ileo(=keep, retain, twist, confine)+um a suffix that forms singular nounsCoined/HistoryDefinition Ileum is the final section of the small intestine just before the large intestine (colon)....

- Colonoscopy
Term: colonoscopy Origin: Anc Greek?????/colon(=large intestine)>  the word ????? is the pariciple of the verb ?????? /kolazo (=punish, excaudate, cut)+ ??????/scopos(=aim, look at) literally meaning ?examination of colon? Definition:Colonoscopy...

- Colitis
Term : colitis Origin: An Greek ?????/colon(=large intestine)   + -????/itis(=inflammation of) Definition: Inflammation of colon due usually to inflammatory bowel disease or infections ....

- -itis
Term: -itis  Origin: Anc Greeik -????(modern Greek -?????)/-ites (= suffix which is used with the feminine noun ? ?????/ e nosos/(=disease),  denoting  ?inflammation of?. Definition: noun suffix denoting inflammation of as in terms :...

- Gastroenteritis
Term: gastroenteritis Origin: Ancient  Greek ?????? >gaster(=stomach) + ??????> entero (=intestine) + itis (=inflammation) Coined: - Definition:an inflammation of the stomach and intestines resulting in anorexia, nausea, vomiting, fever ,...

