

Term: parenteral (adj)

Literally meaning: ?not through bowel?

Origin: Anc Greek
????-/para (=past by, over)
???????/enteron(=intestine, bowel) < ?????/entos(=inside, within)


Parental pertaining to treatment not through the digestive system such as parenteral nutrition which is given through the veins.

- Angiodysplasia
Term: angiodysplasiaLiterally meaning: ?abnormal vessel formation?Origin: Anc Greek??????/aggio (=vessel, receptacle) > ?????/aggos(=tube)+???-/dys-(=with a negative sense meaning difficult, bad, abnormal, misfortune) > ???/dyo(=decline) ????/dysi(=sundown)??????/plasso(=create,...

- Enterocolitis
Term: enterocolitisLiterally meaning: "inflammation of of the colon and small intestine?Origin: Anc Greek???????/enteron(=intestine, bowel) < ?????/entos(=inside, within)???????/colitis(=inflammation of the colon  and is often used to describe...

- Enterotoxin
Term: enterotoxinLiterally meaning: toxin of intestineOrigin: Anc Greek???????/enteron(=intestine, bowel) < ?????/entos(=inside, within) +???????/toxikon(= poison used to poison arrow heads) > ?????/toxon(bow) Coined/History(?)Definition A...

- Colonoscopy
Term: colonoscopy Origin: Anc Greek?????/colon(=large intestine)>  the word ????? is the pariciple of the verb ?????? /kolazo (=punish, excaudate, cut)+ ??????/scopos(=aim, look at) literally meaning ?examination of colon? Definition:Colonoscopy...

- Dysentery
Term: dysenteryOrigin: Anc Greek  ???-/dys-(=prefix used with a negative sense meaning difficult, bad, abnormal, misfortune) > ???/dyo(=decline) ????/dysi(=sundown) ???????/enteron(=intestine)>?????/entos(=inside, within) Coinedby Hippocrates...

