

Term: amyloid
Origin: Anc Greek
??????/amylon(=starch) >?/a(privative, ?not?) + ????/myle(=millstone) because this hydrocarbonate (eg from potatoes)  was not ground at the mill as bread flour but it was ground by hand using water or milk.
-??????/oides(-oid) > ?????/edos(=type, form)
  1. (noun) a  starchlike substance.
  2. (adjective) resembling starch

- Which Of These Is Stored By Aleuroplasts?
A) Oil B) Protein C) Starch D) Vitamin The correct answer is: B) Protein...

- #19. Following The Course Of An Enzyme-catalysed Reaction
Measurement of the rate of formation of the product or the rate of disappearance of the substrate. 1. Measurement of the rate of formation of O2 in the reaction: Mash up some biological material like potato tuber or celery stalks, mix them...

- #10.tests For Carbohydrates
Tests for Reducing sugars, Non-reducing sugar and Starch. 1. Reducing sugar (Benedict's test) All monosaccharides and most disaccharides (except sucrose) will reduce blue CuSO4(II), producing a precipitate of red Cu2O(I).Benedict?s...

- #9. Carbohydrates - Polysaccharides
Molecules contain hundreds/thousands of monosaccharides linked into long chains. Molecules are enormous --> the majority do not dissolve in water --> good for storing energy (starch and glycogen) or for forming strong structures (cellulose)....

- Comparison Between Starch, Glycogen And Cellulose
Comparison between Starch, Glycogen and Cellulose Characters Starch Glycogen Cellulose Monomer a-glucose a-glucose b-glucose Type of bond between monomers 1,4 glycosidic bond (amylose) + 1,4 and 1,6 glycosidic bond (amylopectin) 1,4 and...

