What is the cell wall of bacteria made up of?

What is the cell wall of bacteria made up of?

A) Pectin
B) Cellulose
C) Chitin
D) Murein

The correct answer is:
D) Murein

- Chitin
Chitin is a structural polysaccharide. Insects and bees, like the one in the picture, and crustaceans use chitin to build their exoskeleton. Also, chitin can be found in the cell walls of fungi and in some other places. ...

- Cellulose
The cells of a plant are surrounded by a thick protective layer called the cell wall. Cellulose is a major component of this protective layer. Cellulose is a polysaccharide, a polymer of glucose, (carbohydrate) and it is the most abundant macromolecule...

- Some Living Descriptions
Protista- unicellular eukaryotes, some multicelled formscell sturcture simple to very complexsome heterotrophs- protozoanssome autotrophs- algaeasexual repro, some both sexual, asexualmotile, non-motile, sizes- most microscopic but some may be 100m in...

- Comparison Between Gram Positive Bacteria And Gram Negative Bacteria
Differences between Gram positive bacteria and Gram negative bacteria Gram positive bacteria Gram negative bacteria 1.     The bacteria remain coloured with Gram staining even after washing with alcohol or acetone The bacteria...

- Comparison Between Prokaryotic Cell And Eukaryotic Cell
Prokaryotic cell Eukaryotic cell 1.        Lack of organized nucleus. Genetic material is present in the form of nucleiod Well organized nucleus 2.        Nuclear membrane...

