

Chitin is a structural polysaccharide. Insects and bees, like the one in the picture, and crustaceans use chitin to build their exoskeleton. Also, chitin can be found in the cell walls of fungi and in some other places.

- What Is The Cell Wall Of Bacteria Made Up Of?
A) Pectin B) Cellulose C) Chitin D) Murein The correct answer is: D) Murein...

- Some Living Descriptions
Protista- unicellular eukaryotes, some multicelled formscell sturcture simple to very complexsome heterotrophs- protozoanssome autotrophs- algaeasexual repro, some both sexual, asexualmotile, non-motile, sizes- most microscopic but some may be 100m in...

- Pollen: Evolution
 In this picture is pollen that got stuck to the ground because of juice or water. Pollen has been flying around because plants and flowers are blooming and they are ready to fertilize. Pollen is like a tiny grain inside id a seed plant which usually...

- Chitinase
Term: chitinaseLiterally meaning: ?an enzyme that breaks down chitin?Origin: Anc Greek?????/chiton(=tunic)+(-???)/(-asy)(=-ase) enzyme suffix added to the name of the substrate that the enzyme  hydrolyzes eg proteinase for protein or lipase for...

- It?s A Plant World, We?re Just Living In It
Biology concepts ? cell walls, chloroplasts, myco-heterotrophs, holoparasites, Life on Earth is easy. It can be boiled down to three sentences. ?The mitochondria and the chloroplasts are, in a fundamental sense, the most important things on Earth. Between...

