

Term: trypsin
Literally meaning: ?protein of rubbing?
Origin: Greek
?????/trivo (=rub, powder, grind) > (simple past) ?????? /etrips?
The enzyme named in 1876 by Kuhne who first described an proteolytic activity of pancreatic extract by comparing trypsin with pepsin. In 1931 J.H Northrop purified and crystallized trypsin shortly after first purifying pepsin (1930) and in addition to chemotrypsin (M Kunitz and JH Northrop).
Trypsin is a proteolytic enzyme that cleaves the peptide bonds at carboxy site of residues of lysine and arginine, except when either is followed by proline. Trypsin is active in the duodenum and it is produced by the pancreas after the proteolysis of proenzyme trypsinogen. Today, trypsin is used in routine protocols for cell and tissue cultures by the process of  ?trypsinization?.  

- #20.factors Affecting The Rate Of Enzyme-catalysed Reactions
These factors are: - Temperature - pH - Enzyme concentration - Substrate concentration  - Inhibitor concentration When an enzyme solution is added to a solution of its substrate, the molecules collide. With time, the quantity of substrate...

- Elastase
Term: elastaseLiterally meaning: ?separating elastin?Origin: Anc Greek ????/elao(=be flexibe or ductile)) >??????/elavno(=run, drive)-???/-asy(=-ase) suffix added to the name of the substrate that the enzyme  hydrolyzes eg proteinase for protein...

- Pepsin
Term: pepsinLiterally meaning: ?protein of digesting?Origin: Anc Greek?????/pepto(=digest)Coined/HistoryThe term coined by German physiologist Theodor Schwann in the early 19th century when he identified a chemical agent in the stomachs of animals...

- Enzyme
Term: enzymeOrigin: An Greek ?? / en(=in ) + ????/ zyme (=leaven, ferment) meaning ?in yeast? . Coined: In 1877 by German physiologist Wilhelm Kühne (1837?1900). Kuhne used the term ?enzym? instead of ?diastase? (Beneden, 1876) to describe the "unorganized...

- Proteins
PROTEINSProteins are polypeptides. i.e., linear chains of amino acids linked by peptide bonds. A Peptide bond is formed when ?COOH group of one amino acid reacts with ?NH2 group of next amino acid by releasing a molecule of water (dehydration). Proteins...

