

What are some ways that science and techonology are helping to save our environment?

- Green
Save the planet one person at a time. What does it mean to you to live "Green"?...

- Syringomyelia
Term: syringomyelia Literally meaning: ?cavity in marrow? Origin: Anc Greek??????/syrix (=a tube-shaped and fluid filled neurological cavity within the central nervous system)+myelos (marrow) Coined/History In Greek mythology Syrinx was...

- Hepatitis
Term: hepatitisOrigin  Anc Greek????/hepar(=liver) >genitive ??????/hepatos  >????>?????????/eperomai(=expand) probably because liver has the capacity to regenerate after injury and to adjust its size to match its host. In Greek mythology,...

- Hepatology
Term: hepatologyOrigin  Anc Greek????/hepar(=liver) >genitive ??????/hepatos  >????>?????????/eperomai(=expand) probably because liver has the capacity to regenerate after injury and to adjust its size to match its host. In Greek mythology,...

- Syrinx (plural Syringes)
Term: syrinx (plural  syringes) Origin:  Anc Greek ??????/syrix (=pan pipes or pan flute) an ancient musical instrument, consisting of cane pipes of different lengths. In Greek mythology Syrinx was a nymph who was changed into reed to save...

