syrinx (plural syringes)

syrinx (plural syringes)

Term: syrinx (plural  syringes)

Origin:  Anc Greek ??????/syrix (=pan pipes or pan flute) an ancient musical instrument, consisting of cane pipes of different lengths. In Greek mythology Syrinx was a nymph who was changed into reed to save her from the pursuit of god Pan. From this reed Pan fashioned the musical pipes.    

Coined: Spinal cord cavitation was first described by Esteine in 1546 and later in 1827 D?Angers was coined the term syringomyelia : syrinx (within in parenchyma of the spinal cord) + myelos (marrow)

1. a syrinx is tube-shaped and fluid filled neuroglial cavity within the central nervous system (spinal cord or brain); a fistula.
2.  the vocal organ of birds at the end of the trachea

- Sympathetic
Term: sympathetic Literally meaning: ?feel with? Origin: Anc Greek?????????/sympathia(=sympathy, capability to recognize or feel another?s suffering)  > ???/syn(=together, with) + ?????/pathos (=passion, sorrow, strong emotion) >?????/pascho(=to...

- Parasympathetic
Term: parasympathetic Literally meaning: ?beside sympathetic? Origin: Anc Greek????-/para-(=pefix denoting  intentification, ?beside?, ?near?, ?contrary of? ?side by side? ?past by?, ?beyond?)+?????????/sympathia(=>???/syn(=together,...

- Autonomous Nervous System
Term: autonomous nervous system Literally meaning: ?self ?govering nervous system? Origin: Anc Greek????-/auto-(=combining form meaning ?one's own? or ?by oneself?) >?????/autos(=self, same)+ ?????/nomos(=division, law) > ????/nemo(=distribute,...

- Polyomyelitis Or Polio
Term: poliomyelitis or polioLiterally meaning: ?inflammation of the grey bone marrow?Origin: Anc Greek??????/polios(=grey, old)+??????/myelos(=bone marow, core)>???/myo(=be enclosed)+(-???? )(modern Greek -?????)/-ites (=suffix which is used in Greek...

- Meninx ( Plural Meninges)
Term: meninx ( plural meninges) Origin: Anc Greek  ??????/mininx (=meninx). According Meletios, 7th-8th cen  (???????? "???? ??? ??? ???????? ??????????,  Migne, ???. 64, ???. 1149) «??? ?? ??????/menin ?? ?????? ??? ?????????" Coined:...

