

Term: syringomyelia

Literally meaning: ?cavity in marrow?

Origin: Anc Greek
??????/syrix (=a tube-shaped and fluid filled neurological cavity within the central nervous system)
+myelos (marrow)

In Greek mythology Syrinx was a nymph who was changed into reed to save her from the pursuit of god Pan. From this reed Pan fashioned the musical pipes ?????? consisting of cane pipes of different lengths..
 Spinal cord cavitation was first described by Esteine in 1546 and later in 1827 D?Angers was coined the term syringomyelia : syrinx (within in parenchyma of the spinal cord).

Syringomyelia is the cyst or cavity formation within the spinal cord.

- Sympathetic
Term: sympathetic Literally meaning: ?feel with? Origin: Anc Greek?????????/sympathia(=sympathy, capability to recognize or feel another?s suffering)  > ???/syn(=together, with) + ?????/pathos (=passion, sorrow, strong emotion) >?????/pascho(=to...

- Autonomous Nervous System
Term: autonomous nervous system Literally meaning: ?self ?govering nervous system? Origin: Anc Greek????-/auto-(=combining form meaning ?one's own? or ?by oneself?) >?????/autos(=self, same)+ ?????/nomos(=division, law) > ????/nemo(=distribute,...

- Polyomyelitis Or Polio
Term: poliomyelitis or polioLiterally meaning: ?inflammation of the grey bone marrow?Origin: Anc Greek??????/polios(=grey, old)+??????/myelos(=bone marow, core)>???/myo(=be enclosed)+(-???? )(modern Greek -?????)/-ites (=suffix which is used in Greek...

- Myelocele
Term: myelocele Literally meaning: rupture of bone marrow OriginAnc Greek??????/myelos(=bone marow, core)>???/myo(=be enclosed)????/kele(=hernia) > ??????/keleos(=burn, rupture)Coined/History(?)Definition Protrusion of spinal cord tissues ...

- Myeloid
Term: myeloidLiterally meaning: ?bone marrow (or core) like?Origin: Anc Greek??????/myelos(=bone marow, core)>???/myo(=to be enclosed)-??????/-oides(=-oid, prefix meaning ?like?, ?type?, ?form?) Coined/HistoryIn 1869 by The Neumann, as he was the first...

