prokaryote and prokaryotic (adj)

prokaryote and prokaryotic (adj)

Term: prokaryote and prokaryotic (adj)

Origin: Anc Greek ???-/pro(=before, forward) + ??????/karyon(=kernel, nut) 
Literally meaning:   without a well defined nucleus.

Coined: in 1925  by French biologist Eduard Chatton (1883 ? 1947) who first used the term in his paper "Pansporella perplex: Reflections on the Biology and Phylogeny of the Protozoa" and later (1937)  in his compendium, Titres et Travaux Scientifiques" .

An organism that lacks a cell nucleus , or indeed any other membrane- bound organelles.  

Jan Sapp. The Prokaryote-Eukaryote Dichotomy: Meanings and Mythology . Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, June 2005, p. 292-305, Vol. 69, No. 2

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