

Term: myelolipoma
Literally meaning: ?growth of lipoid inside?
Origin: Anc Greek
??????/myelos(=marrow, brain) > ???/myo(=enclosed like the muscle inside body or rat in its nest=epimys)
+(-???)/(-oma)=suffix denoting state or condition of mass growth
These tumours were initially described by Giercke in 1905, and 24 years later (1929), Oberling coined the team ?myelolipoma?.
1. Gierke E. Ueber Knochenmarksgewebe in der Nebenniere Beitr. Pathol Anat. 1905:311?25.
2. Oberling C. Les formations myelo-lipomateuses, Bull.Assoc. Franc Cancer. 1929;18:234?46.

Myelolipoma is a benign and usually asymptomatic tumour of adrenal gland composed 

- Angiomyolipoma
Term: angiomyolipomaLiterally meaning: ?growth of lipoid vessel?Origin: Anc Greek??????/aggio (=vessel, receptacle) > ?????/aggos(=tube)+(-???)/(-oma)=suffix denoting state or condition of mass growthCoined/HistoryGrawitz coined the term angio-myo-lipoma...

- Angiolipoma
Term: angiolipomaLiterally meaning: ?growth of lipoid vessel?Origin: Anc Greek??????/aggio (=vessel, receptacle) > ?????/aggos(=tube)+(-???)/(-oma)=suffix denoting state or condition of mass growthCoined/History(?)DefinitionAngiolipoma is a rare and...

- Leiomyoma
Term: leiomyoma (or fibroids, or myoma) Literally meaning: ?growth of smooth muscles? Origin: Anc Greek?????/leios(=smooth) > ????/aleo(=to grind)+???-/myo-(=comping form meaning muscle) > ???/mys/(=muscle) > ???/myo(=enclosed like the muscle...

- Myeloma
Term: myelomaLiterally meaning: ?growth of  bone marrow? Origin: Anc Greek??????/myelos(=bone marow, core)>???/myo(=be enclosed)+-???/-oma (suffix denoting state or condition of mass growth)Coined/HistoryBy Russian phycisian von Rustizky in 1873...

- Liposarcoma
Term: liposarcomaLiterally meaning: a state of fleshy fatty massOrigin: Anc Greek?????/?????(=fat, grease) >????? > verb ?????/livo(=grease)????/sarx(=flesh) >genitive form ??????/sarcos+-???/-oma (suffix denoting state or condition of mass growth)Coined/HistoryLiposarcoma...

