

Term: melanoma

Origin: Anc Greek ?????/melas(=dark, black) +-???/-oma (suffix denoting state or condition of mass growth)

Coined: Hippocrates was credited with the first description of melanoma and there was no any contribution until 17th cen when Highmore, Bartholin and Bonet described the ?fatal black tumor?. Laennec and Dupuytren independently published treatises on melanosis and finally in 1836 Carswell coined the term melanoma.  In 1868 Langerhans noted melanocytes in histologic specimens of skin as the ?branched cells? but it was not until 1951 that the term melanocyte was adopted.
Source: Neal Koss, The current status of the melanoma problem The Yale J of Biology and Medicine 48, 399-401 (1975) ?

A malignant neoplasm, derived from of melanocytes which are cells that produce the dark pigment, melanin, and it is arising most
commonly in the skin of any part of the body, or in the eye.

- Angiosarcoma
Term: angiosarcomaLiterally meaning: ?growth of vessel?s flesh?Origin: Anc Greek??????/aggio (=vessel, receptacle) > ?????/aggos(=tube)+ ????/sarx(=flesh) >genitive form ??????/sarcos+(-???)/(-oma)=suffix denoting state or condition of mass growth...

- Pheochromocytoma
Term: pheochromocytomaLiterally meaning:Origin: Anc Greek?????/pheos(= dusky, dim)+?????-/chromo-(=combining form denoting color)+????-/cyto- (=-cyte combining form meaning ?cell? derived from anc Greek ??????/kytion/cytion=box, container) +-???/-oma...

- Myeloma
Term: myelomaLiterally meaning: ?growth of  bone marrow? Origin: Anc Greek??????/myelos(=bone marow, core)>???/myo(=be enclosed)+-???/-oma (suffix denoting state or condition of mass growth)Coined/HistoryBy Russian phycisian von Rustizky in 1873...

- Sarcoma
Term: sarcoma Origin: Anc Greek ????/sarx(=flesh) + -???/-oma(=suffix denoting state or condition especially a condition of mass growth) . Coined: by Galen (ca 130-200) who described sarcoma as a ? fleshy excrescence? with the appearance of raw meat (????)...

- Cell To Cell Tanning
Biology Concepts ? vacuoles, phagocytosis, melanin, cephalopod camouflage Sometimes, the name of an item becomes the sameas its function. Have you ever asked for a Puff when youneeded a facial tissue? But we all ask for a Kleenex.Vacuoles are the same,...

