Term: leukemia
Origin: Anc Greek ?????/lephko(=white) + ????/hema(=suffix pertaining to blood)
Coined: by German pathologist Rudolf Virchow (1821?1902), in 1856 who is considered as the father of modern pathology. Virchow was the first to describe the abnormal excess of white blood cells. The term ?acute leukemia? introduced by German physician Wilhelm Ebstein(1836-1912) in 1889 as a distinct clinical entity characterized by rapid and fatal progression in comparison to chronic leukemias.
Leukemia is a type of cancer originated from stem cells of bone marrow characterized by an abnormal increase of white cells.
Homework -blood Cells
Look at the links and the video clip on this blog about blood cells. In addition read pages 93-97 in your book. Then make some notes about: Red blood cellsWhite blood cells- Including the different types i.e. phagocytes and lymphocytesPlatelets Give...
Term: myeloblastLiterally meaning: ?immature or precursor cell of bone marow (or core)?Origin: Anc Greek??????/myelos(=bone marow, core)>???/myo(=be enclosed)+ ??????> blasty (=sprout, germ) >?????/valo(=push, throw) Coined/HistoryIn 1898,...
Term: myelomaLiterally meaning: ?growth of bone marrow? Origin: Anc Greek??????/myelos(=bone marow, core)>???/myo(=be enclosed)+-???/-oma (suffix denoting state or condition of mass growth)Coined/HistoryBy Russian phycisian von Rustizky in 1873...
??? Rudolph Virchow, (1888-1895)Term: craniosynostosisOrigin: Anc Greek ???????/cranion(=skull) >???????/cranaos(=rocky, hard, rough) + ???/syn(=with, together)+ ???????/???eo???(= relating to bone) > ??????/osteo?(=bone)CoinedIn 1830, by AW Otto...
Cancer: Types, Causes, Diagnosis And Treatment
CANCER · Cancer is an abnormal and uncontrolled multiplication of cells resulting in the formation of tumor.· Normal cells show a contact inhibition (contact with the other cells inhibits their uncontrolled growth)....