Ecology Revision

Ecology Revision


The following are some points to help you, it does not contain everything! You must revise on your own making summary notes and diagrams to help you. You have your notes, this web and your text book to help you. Please use all of these resources, and of course ask me all the questions that you have or items that need clarifying. I look forward to seeing what you know and understand in the test on monday. Please make sure that it is clear that you have made a real effort.

The following terms you should know and understand:

·      Ecology- is the study of the interaction between living organisms and their environment
·      Habitat- is where an organism lives
·      Population- A group of organisms of the same species living together
·      Community- all of the organisms of all the different species living in the same habitat
·      Ecosystem- a community and its environment, interacting together
·      Food chain- a chart showing the flow of energy from one organism to the next
·      Food web- a network of interconnecting food chains
·      Producer- an organism that makes its own food. Usually this is via photosynthesis
·      Decomposer- an organism that gets its energy from dead waste or organic matter
·      Consumers- an organism that gets its energy by eating other organisms
·      Herbivore- an organism that gets its energy by eating plants
·      Carnivore- an organism that gets its energy by eating animals
·      Trophic level- position of an organism in a food chain or energy level diagram
·      Pyramid of numbers- numbers of organisms at each trophic level
·      Pyramid of biomass- the mass of each trophic level

You should also know and understand the following cycles: carbon, nitrogen, and water

you should also know and understand the following:

Factors affecting population size (limiting factors)

Predator prey relationship

The J curve of human population and the differences in age distribution between developing and developed countries

Symbiosis, mutualism, commensalism and parasitism

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