Deep Sea Ocean Vents and Communities

Deep Sea Ocean Vents and Communities

Hydrothermal vents form in volcanicly active areas, most likely on a mid-ocean ridge where magma rises close beneath the sea floor.  Hydrothermal vents are basically like a plumbing system for the ocean that move heat and chemicals from the inside of the Earth. It helps keep the oceans chemicals equal and not overpowering.  

Vents support ecosystems of organisms that have developed a special adaptation to high temperatures and conditions we would consider toxic and unlivable. Communities of these organisms live in this environment such as Archea. They have certain characteristics which allow them to survive in such a hot environment. Most vents are isolated from human reach. 

"Hydrothermal Vents." : Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2014.

"Habitats: Hydrothermal Vent - Characteristics." Oceanography. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2014.

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