asparagine (Asn N)

asparagine (Asn N)

Term: asparagin (Asn N)
Literally meaning: ?pertaining to asparagus?
Origin: Anc Greek
??? ????????? (plant)/asparagos(asparagus) >???????/spargao(=to vigor)
Asparagine was isolated in 1806 by French chemist   Louis Nicolas Vaquelin (1763-1829)  and named by French chemist Pierre Jean  Robiquet(1785-1838) because it was isolated by asparagus juice.  The name of aspartic acid was subsequently given in 1927 by Plisson to the acid obtained heating asparagine with lead hydroxide.
Asparagine is a non essential amino acid which is important for nervous system and ammonia formation.

- Actinium (ac)
Term: actinium (Ac)Literally meaning: ?pertaining to ray?Origin: 'á???? actis(genitive á??[é???/actinos)(=ray, beam) The element was named after its power of emitting energy in the form of rays suchas radioactive ?radium? which comes from latin...

- Iodine (i)
Term: iodine (I)Literally meaning: ?pertaining  to purple?Origin: Anc Greek???????/ioeides (=purple, violet) because of the color of elemental iodine vapor. [<???. 'é???? < /é??= violete (flower) Coined/History  Iodine was discovered...

- Glycine (gly C)
Term: glycineLiterally meaning: ?pertaining to sweet?Origin: Anc Greek??????/glykys (=sweet) >????/lyki(=pleasant, bright)Coined/History  In 1818 the French chemist Henri Braconnot(1780-1855)  isolated glycine from gelatin and named it ?sucrede...

- Leucine (leu L)
Term: leucineLiterally meaning: ?pertaining to white?Origin: Anc Greek??????/leukos(=white)Coined/History  Leucine was isolated in 1818 by French chemist Joseph Louis Proust (1754-1855)  from cheese in a white crystalline state. Finally it...

- Glucose
Term: glucoseLiterally meaning: ?sweet like?Origin: Greek??????/glycos(=sweet, delightful,) as glycose, an older term for glucose .Coined/History(?)Glucose was discovered in 1747 by German chemist Andreas Marrgraf (1709-1782), who isolated it in raisins....

