

Term: thymus

Origin:  ?he word has the same root as ancient Greek name of culinary herb ?????/thymos (=thyme, Thymus vulgaris), which in the ancient Greece is considered as a symbol of style, elegance and courage and it used  as an incense to cleanse holy areas. It is believed that its common name came from the Greek word "thumos", which means " spirit, soul» (Tegopoulos-Fitrakis Great Dictionary 1988") and Plato described thymos as the part of the soul comprising pride, indignation, shame, and the need for recognition.  
 > ???/thio(=smoke)  and ?????/thysia(=sacrifice)

Coined: for ancient Greeks it is considered that thymus is the seat of soul and by Galen was reffered as the ?organ of mystery?

Thymus is an organ situated in the center of the upper chest below the thyroid consisting mainly of lymphatic tissue and serving as the place of T cell differentiation (? cells). Thymus atrophies with age and is almost absent in the adult and in animals is known as sweetbreads.

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- Psychosis
Term: psychosisLiterally meaning:Origin: Anc Greek????/psixhi > ????/psicho (= blow, breath). A psyche in mythology means a butterfly or the soul, spirit, breath and  life. +(-????)/-osis(=suffic denoting  process)Coined/HistoryThe word ''psychosis''...

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Term: psychotropic Literally meaning: ?turning the mind or soul?Origin: Anc Greek????/psixhi > ????/psicho (= blow, breath). A psyche in mythology means a butterfly or the soul, spirit, breath and life. +-??????/tropos(=suffix denoting way, habit,...

- Thyroid
Term: thyroidOrigin: Anc Greek ??????/thireos(=shield) + ?????/idos(=form). The shield name "??????" derived from ????/thyra(=door) because of its oblong shape resembling to door. The aspis and the thureos were the shields...

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Ectoderm Mesoderm Endoderm Skin (epidermis) and their pigment cells, hairs, nails. Connective tissues, superficial and deep fascia, ligaments, tendons, dermis of skin (from dermatotome) Epithelial part of mouth, some part of palate, tongue,...

