

Term: thallus (pl thalli)

Origin: Anc Greek
??????/thallos(=young shoot) > ?????/threpho(=feed)
Thallus is the undifferentiated tissue of some algae, fungus, and other lower organisms  as liverworts and  lichens which are not  organized into distinct parts as leaves and roots.

- Thallium (tl)
Term: thallium (Tl)Literally meaning: ?pertaining to green young shoot ?Origin: Origin: Anc Greek ??????/thallos(=young shoot, green branch, twig) > ?????/threpho(=feed)The element named because of  the bright green line in its spectrumCoined/History...

- Parenchyma
Term: parenchymaLiterally meaning: ?that which is poured in?Origin: Anc Greek????-/para-(=pefix denoting  ?beside?, ?near?)  +??????/enchyma( = infusion or juice) > ??-/en-(=with) +?????/enheo-(=pur).Coined/HistoryBy English botanist and...

- Lichen
Term: lichen Origin:  Anc Greek ?????/licho(=lick) because lichens seem to lick stones and barks of trees.   Coined: by Theophrastus (371-284 BC) in order to describe a superficial growth on the bark of olive trees.The dual nature of lichens...

- More Than The Sum Of Its Parts
Biology concepts ? symbiosis, lichen products, weathering, pedogenesis During the Depression, the Civilian Conservation Corps got the idea to have unemployed people earn some money by planting kudzu vine in the South to reduce erosion. It seemed like...

- I?m Likin? The Lichen
Biology Concepts ? symbiosis, mutualism, lichens The lycan is a subject better relegated a cryptozoology blog. Along with the Loch Ness Monster, vampires, and the Easter Bunny, cryptids are those animals for whom there is little or no solid evidence,...

