

Term: parenchyma
Literally meaning: ?that which is poured in?
Origin: Anc Greek
????-/para-(=pefix denoting  ?beside?, ?near?)  
+??????/enchyma( = infusion or juice) > ??-/en-(=with) +?????/enheo-(=pur).
  1. By English botanist and plant physiologist Nehemiah  Grew (1628 - 1711). Grew stated that every plant organ had two parts, a ligneous (woody) and a pithy part composed of undifferentiated cells with air spaces bettween them.  
  1. (histology) The functional tissue characteristic of an organ, as distinguished from the capsule that encompasses  it or supporting tissues
  2. (botany) The primary tissue of higher plants, composed of thin-walled and usually undifferentiated cells

- #39 Structure Of Transport Tissues In Plants
Plants have 2 transport systems: xylem: transports water and inorganic ions from the roots to the leaves.phloem: transports food made in the plant (sucrose and amino acids) from the leaves to the rest of the plant. Both of...

- #5. Plan Diagrams Of Tissue And Organ, Prokaryotic And Eukariotic Cells
An organ usually contains many different types of cells. These are arranged in a particular pattern characteristic of the organ, with cells of a similar type found together, forming distinctive tissues. A plan diagram shows the distribution...

- Hyperplasia
Term: hyperplasia Origin: Anc Greek  ????/hyper(=prefix meaning something is excessive, above normal)   +(-??????)/(-plasia)(= combining form denoting formation)  > ??????/plasso(=create) Definition: The enlargement or overgrowth...

- Hypertrophy
Term: hypertrophy Origin: Anc Greek   ????/hyper(=prefix meaning something is excessive, above normal, over) + ?????/trophe(=nourishment) >?????/drepo(=gather) Definition: The enlargement or overgrowth of an organ or tissue due...

- 4/28/14
Today we checked our plants and my plant grew two more leaves. Then we had to take notes over three powepoints and fill in the notes then upload them to google drive. Tonight we have simple homework to study a PowerPoint then fill in the notes. We...

