

Term: tendon

Literally meaning: ?tendon, sinew?

Origin: Anc Greek
?????/teino (=extend) >  ?????/tanyo(=strain, stretch)  > ??????/taenia(=band, ribon)


A tendon is the fibrous and flexible connective tissue that usually connects muscle to bone such as Achilles tendon.

- Tetanus
Term: tetanus Literally meaning: "taut and stretched" Origin: Anc Greek?????/teino (=extend) >  ?????/tanyo(=strain, stretch)  > ??????/taenia(=band, ribon) Coined/HistoryThe name of tetanus is derived from its symptom of violent and...

- Tendonitis
Term: tendontitis Literally meaning: ?inflammation of  a tendon? Origin: Anc Greek?????/teino (=extend) >  ?????/tanyo(=strain, stretch)  > ??????/taenia(=band, ribon) +(-????)/-???? (=-itis, suffix meaning ?pertaining to? or ?inflammation?.)...

- Zygotene
Term: zygoteneLiterally meaning: ?yoked bands?Origin: Anc Greek?????/zygos(=yoke, doubled)??????/taenia(=band, ribon)> ?????/tanyo(=strain)Coined/Historyby V Gregoire (1907) DefinitionZygotene is one of the stages of prophase I in which the homologous...

- Collagen
Term: collagenOrigin: Anc Greek?????/colla(=glue)?????/geno(=produce, give birth to) literally meaning ?glue producer? Coined(?)Definition An important fibrous and insoluble protein which is the main component of connective tissue (skin, bone, cartilage,...

- Comparison Between Tendon And Ligament
Tendon Ligament 1.        It is composed of only collagen fibres It is composed of collagen fibres and some elastin fibres 2.        Fibres are seen as dense parallel bundles...

