

Term: Protozoa
Literally meaning: ?first animals?
Origin: Anc Greek
???/zoa(=plural of  ??????/zoon=a live thing, animal)
The term was coined in1818 by German biologist Georg August Goldfuss
(zoology): The single-cell eukaryotic organisms usually motile ( such as amoebas, ciliates, flagellates, and sporozoan) that consist an Animal Phylum. The term "protozoa" continues to be used traditionally as the organisms are now more commonly placed in any of five phyla in the kingdom Protista.

- Some Living Descriptions
Protista- unicellular eukaryotes, some multicelled formscell sturcture simple to very complexsome heterotrophs- protozoanssome autotrophs- algaeasexual repro, some both sexual, asexualmotile, non-motile, sizes- most microscopic but some may be 100m in...

- Eumetazoans (eumetazoa)
Term: Eumetazoans (misspelling of Eumetazoa) Literally meaning: ?well defined after animals? Origin: Anc Greek?? / eu-(=prefix meaning "well?, ?good?, ?easy?, ?right?)????/meta(after, next to)???/zoa(=plural of  ??????/zoon=a...

- Zoospore
Term: zoospore Literally meaning: ?seed like animal? Origin: Anc Greek????/zoon=(a live thing, animal)+ ??????(=seed) > (=sow) > ??????/spearo (=disperse) Coined/History(?) DefinitionA zoospore is a motile sexual  flagellate spore without...

- Kinetoplast
Term: kinetoplastLiterally meaning: ?plastid associated with movement? because kinetoplast is associated with basal body (kinetosome) of some protozoa from which a flagellum or cilium arises in motile eukaryotic cells.Origin: Anc Greek???????/kinesis(=movement)??????...

- Taxonomy
Term: taxonomyCarl Linnaeus (1707 ?1778) Origin: Anc Greek ?????(=arrangement, order)?????/nomos(=division) > ????/nemo(=distribute, divide) Coined:The first attempt for describing and naming organisms is began by ancient philosopher Aristotle (384-322BC)...

