

Term: myxedema

Literally meaning: ?mucus swelling?

Origin: Anc Greek
????/myxa(=mucus, snot) > ????????/myssomai(=discharge from the nose) >  ??????/mycter(=nostril)
+??????/edema(=swelling) > ??????/edano(=swell) >????/eda(=see, as edema is seen due to its size)

Myxedema is produced by the presence inside the cells of excess quantities of mucus (mucopolysaccharides) .  The condition was first described in 1878 by Sir William Gull.  In 1873 Dr Ord coined the term in order to describe non-pitting (not be squeezed out)  swelling of the skin in association with deficiency of thyroid secretion. In general medicine the term refers to the state of hypothyroidism  but dermatologists used the literal meaning describing mucinous infiltration of skin.

Myxedema is the cutaneous edema and thickening resulting from the decreased function of the thyroid (hypothyroidism).

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