

Term: hypoplasia
Literally meaning: ?underdevelopment?
Origin: Anc Greek
???-/hypo- (prefix meaning "under", "beneath", "less", ?diminished?)
+??????/plasis(=formation) ??????/plasso(=to create, to form, to mold)
Hypoplasia is the underdevelopment resulting from an abnormal paucity of cells in tissue or organ.

- Dyschondroplasia Or, Chondrodysplasia
Term: dyschodroplasia or, chondrodysplasiaLiterally meaning: ?abnormal cartilage formation?Origin: Anc Greek???-/dys-(=prefix used with a negative sense meaning difficult, bad, abnormal, misfortune)> ???/dyo(=decline) ????/dysi(=sundown)+???????/chondros...

- Angiodysplasia
Term: angiodysplasiaLiterally meaning: ?abnormal vessel formation?Origin: Anc Greek??????/aggio (=vessel, receptacle) > ?????/aggos(=tube)+???-/dys-(=with a negative sense meaning difficult, bad, abnormal, misfortune) > ???/dyo(=decline) ????/dysi(=sundown)??????/plasso(=create,...

- Hypotonia
Term: hypotonia Literally meaning: ?diminished tone or tension? Origin: Anc Greek???-/hypo- (prefix meaning "under", "beneath", "less", ?diminished?)+?????/tonos (= the normal state of elastic tension or partial contraction in resting muscles) > ?????/taneo(=strain)...

- Dysplasia
Term: dysplasia Origin: Anc Greek???-/dys-(=with a negative sense meaning difficult, bad, abnormal, misfortune) > ???/dyo(=decline) ????/dysi(=sundown)??????/plasso(create, form, mold) Definition:Abnormal development usually enlargement of an organ,...

- Hyperplasia
Term: hyperplasia Origin: Anc Greek  ????/hyper(=prefix meaning something is excessive, above normal)   +(-??????)/(-plasia)(= combining form denoting formation)  > ??????/plasso(=create) Definition: The enlargement or overgrowth...

