dyschondroplasia or, chondrodysplasia

dyschondroplasia or, chondrodysplasia

Term: dyschodroplasia or, chondrodysplasia
Literally meaning: ?abnormal cartilage formation?
Origin: Anc Greek
???-/dys-(=prefix used with a negative sense meaning difficult, bad, abnormal, misfortune)> ???/dyo(=decline) ????/dysi(=sundown)
+???????/chondros (=thick, coarse salt,  soft bone, cartilages in the region between the ribs and navel)
+??????/plasso(=to create, to form, to mold)
It was first described and named by Ollier in 1900.
Maroteaux P, Lamy M (1960) Les chondropdystrophies genotypiques. L?Expansion Scientifique Francaise, Paris, pp 26?27.
Dyschondroplasia is a congenital disease characterized by abnormal proliferation of cartilage within the metaphysis and diaphysis of certain bones causing thinning of the cortex and distortion of the growth in length. In a minority of patients with this deformity, dysplasia can lead to sarcomatous degeneration leading to chondrosarcoma. 

- Osteochondroma
Term: osteochondromaLiterally meaning: ?growth of bones and cartllage?Origin: Anc Greek'ï???[õ?/ostoun(=bone)+???????/chondros (=thick, coarse salt,  soft bone, cartilages in the region between the ribs and navel)+(-???)/(-oma)=suffix...

- Achondroplasia
Term: achodroplasiaLiterally meaning: ?without cartilage formation?Origin: Anc Greek?-/a (privative, ?non?)+???????/chondros (=thick, coarse salt,  soft bone, cartilages in the region between the ribs and navel)+??????/plasso(=to create, to form,...

- Hypochondria Etymology
Term: hypochondriaLiterally meaning: ?under the cartilage of the breastbone?Origin: Anc Greek???/hypo (prefix meaning "under", "beneath", "less")+ ???????/chondros (=thick, coarse salt,  soft bone, carilages in the region between the ribs and navel)...

- Dysplasia
Term: dysplasia Origin: Anc Greek???-/dys-(=with a negative sense meaning difficult, bad, abnormal, misfortune) > ???/dyo(=decline) ????/dysi(=sundown)??????/plasso(create, form, mold) Definition:Abnormal development usually enlargement of an organ,...

- Dys-
 dys-Origin: Anc Greek???-/dys-(=prefix used with a negative sense meaning difficult, bad, abnormal, misfortune) > ???/dyo(=decline) ????/dysi(=sundown) dystrophy, dysfunction, dysarthria, dysgenesis, dyspnea, dysphagia, dysplasia, dystonia...

