hydrogen (H)
Term: hydrogen (H)
Origin: Anc Greek ????/hydor (=water) + ?????/genos(=generation, produced by) because it forms water when exposed to oxygen.
In 1778 by French chemist Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier (1743-1794).
Hydrogen is the lightest and most abundant chemical element, constituting roughly 75% of the Universe's chemical elemental mass
Barium (ba)
Term: barium (Ba)Literally meaning: ?pertaining to heavy?Origin: Anc Greek?????/varys(=heavy) The element was called barium because it is found in baryte(BaSO4), a mineral which had been given its name because of its high Coined/History Barium...
Krypton (kr)
Term: krypton (Kr) Literally meaning: ?hidden?Origin: Anc Greek??????/crypto(=hide, cover)Coined/History The element was discovered in 1898 by Scottish chemist (sir) William Ramsey (1852-1916) and his assistant English chemist Morris...
Bromine (br)
Term: bromine (Br)Literally meaning: ?unpleasant odor?Origin: Anc Greek?????? ? ??????/vromos(=unpleasant odor)Coined/History Bromine discovered independently by German Carl Lowig (1803-1890) in 1825 from a mineral...
Helium (he)
Term: heliumLiterally meaning: ?pertaining to sun?Origin: Anc Greek?ç???? (or according Homer ???????/yelios)/helios (=sun) of unknown etymology probably from ?ç///(certainly, indeed, always) and verb ????/elao(=move) >?????????/elefsomai(=go...
Term: catalase Literally meaning: ?the enzyme that breaks down?Origin: Anc Greek????/cata(=prefix denoting ?down to? and sometimes ?against?)?????/lysis (=???/leo (break up, solve) à dissolution or a riot+ (-???)/(-asy)(=-ase) enzyme suffix added to...