bromine (Br)

bromine (Br)

Term: bromine (Br)
Literally meaning: ?unpleasant odor?
Origin: Anc Greek
?????? ? ??????/vromos(=unpleasant odor)
Bromine discovered independently by German Carl Lowig (1803-1890) in 1825 from a mineral water and by French chemist Antoine Jerome Balard(1802 -1876)  in 1826 from seaweed. 
Bromine is the chemical element with atomic number 35 and atomic mass 79,90 that in nature is found as bromide salts . It is the only liquid nonmetalic element and characterised by a strong disagreeable odor, resemling chlorine. Bromine presents a serious health hazard.  

- Uranium (u)
Term: uranium (U)Literally meaning: ?pertaining to planet Uranus ?Origin?'õ???ü?/uranos(=heaven, sky)???/ano (=above)+????/oros(=mountain)The name was given after the recently dicovered planet Uranus.  The planet name was given by German astronomer...

- Iodine (i)
Term: iodine (I)Literally meaning: ?pertaining  to purple?Origin: Anc Greek???????/ioeides (=purple, violet) because of the color of elemental iodine vapor. [<???. 'é???? < /é??= violete (flower) Coined/History  Iodine was discovered...

- Chromium (cr)
Term: chromium (Cr)Literally meaning: ?petaining to color?Origin: Anc Greek?????/chroma(=color) > ??????/chripto(=touch or anoint)Coined/HistoryThe element was discovered in 1797 by French chemist Nicolas .L. Vauqkelin(1763-1797)  in the mineral...

- Chlorine (cl)
Term: chlorine (Cl)Literally meaning: ??Origin: Anc Greek??????/cloros(=green-yellow)Coined/History  Although sodium cloride was known since ancient times it was not until in 1630  when Belgian physician Jan Baptist van Helmont obtained...

- Ozone (o3)
Term: ozone Literally meaning: ?that smells? Origin: Anc Greek???/ozo (=to smell) Coined/HistoryIn 1844 by German-Swiss chemist Christian Friedrich Schönbein (1799-1868) who noticed, while conducting experiments on the decomposition of water, that the...

