

Term: hemosiderosis or haemosiderosis
Literally meaning: state of hemosiderin excess
Origin: Anc Greek
-????/-osis (=suffix meaning ?condition? or ?state?)
Hemosiderosis is iron overload in tissues because of the abnormal accumulation of hemosiderin (protein that stores iron in the body).

- Hyperhidrosis
Term: hyperhidrosis Literally meaning: ?excess sweating? Origin: Anc Greek ????-/hyper-(= prefix meaning something is excessive, above normal) +????/ hidor (=????) -????/-osis (=suffix meaning ?condition? or ?state?) Coined/History Maillard et al coined...

- Spherocytosis
Term: spherocytosis Literally meaning: ?state of spherical cells? Origin: Anc Greek??????/sphera(=sphere, ball)+????-/cyto- (=-cyte combining form meaning ?cell? derived from anc Greek ??????/kytion/cytion=box, container)+(-????)/(-osis...

- Poikilocytosis
Term: poikilocytosisLiterally meaning: ?state of having cells of various forms?Origin: Anc Greek????????/ poikilos(=various)+cyte (=combining form meaning ?cell? derived from anc Greek word ??????/cytion (=box, container)+(-????)/-osis(=+(-????/(-osis)(=suffix...

- Keratosis
Term: keratosisLiterally meaning: horny stateOrigin: Anc Greek?????/keras(=horn)+????/-osis (suffix denoting state or condition eg in medical terminology means "a disease state" )Coined/History(?)Definition Keratosis is a wart-like.benigh growth of keratin...

- Cyanosis
Term: cyanosisOrigin: Anc Greek ???????/cyanous(=dark blue)- ????/-osis(=suffix denoting state or condition; eg  "a disease state" CoinedThe term cyanosis was coined by BAUMES?  Definition Cyanosis is the appearance of a blue or purple coloration...

