

Term: epicanthus
Literally meaning:"upon the canthus"
Origin: Anc Greek
???-/epi(=prefix meaning ?upon?, ?above? ?besides?)
+??????/canthos(=the angle formed by the junction of the eyelids) maybe from ??????/akantha(=edge, acicula, spike)

Epicanthus is a vertical fold of skin over the angle of the inner canthus of each eye normal for Mongolian peoples and common in people with Down syndrome.

- Hyperhidrosis
Term: hyperhidrosis Literally meaning: ?excess sweating? Origin: Anc Greek ????-/hyper-(= prefix meaning something is excessive, above normal) +????/ hidor (=????) -????/-osis (=suffix meaning ?condition? or ?state?) Coined/History Maillard et al coined...

- Iridectomy
Term:  iridectomy  Literally meaning: ?incision of iris?Origin: Anc Greek=é???/iris(=rainbow) > gen ??????/iridos  + ????/tome(=section, slice, trunk, stalk) >?????/temno(=cut)  Coined/HistoryIris was the Greek  goddess...

- Syndrome
Term: syndromeLiterally meaning: ?running together?Origin: Anc Greek????????/syndrome(=concourse)???-/syn-(=prefix meaning  ?along with?, ?together?)+??????/dromos(= road, street, course) > ???????/dedroma(=past perfect...

- Xanthelasma
Term: xanthelasma Literally meaning: ?a yellow plate? Origin: Anc Greek??????/xanthos(=golden, yellow, blond)+??????/elasma(=beaten metal plate) Coined/HistoryIn 1877 by English surgeon and dermatologist Erasmus Wilson (1809-1884) and initially...

- Epidermis
Term: epidermis Origin: Anc Greek ???/epi(=prefix meaning upon, on) +?????/derma(=skin)  > ????/dero(=peel) Definition: 1. (anatomy)  the outer layer of the skin 2. (botany) the outermost layer of cells covering the leaves and young...

