

Term: endometrium

Origin: Anc Greek ????/endo(=prefix meaning inside, internal) + ?????/metra(=uterus)
????? > ??????/metera(=mother)

Endometrium is the inner layer of the mammalian uterus where the embryo implants.

- Endothelium
Term: endotheliumLiterally meaning: " internal epithelium?Origin: Anc Greek????-/endo-(= compining form for ?inside?, ?internal?, ?within?)+????????/epithelio(=epithelium)>???/epi(=on, upon)????/theli(=nipple) literally meaning ?on nipple? because...

- Didelphys
Term: didelphysOrigin: Anc Greek??-/di-(=prefix meaning twice) > ???/dis(=two, double)+?/a (=cumulative)  +??????/delphys(=uterus) literally meaning ? double uterus? Definition: Uterine Didelphys is a type of deformity in the female reproductive...

- Hyster-
Term: hyster - Origin:  Latin hystericus "of the womb," from Ancient Greek  ??????/hystera (=womb, uterus) . Coined: According Soranus (1st/2nd century)  a Greek physician (gynecologist, obsetrician, and pediatrician) from Ephesus  in...

- Infertility And Assisted Reproductive Technologies (art)
INFERTILITY & ASSISTED REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES (ART) Infertility is the inability of male or female to produce children. The reasons for this may be physical, congenital, diseases, drugs, immunological or even psychological.  Assisted...

- Changes Occuring In Embryo During Pregnancy
Days Changes 1 Fertilization. Diameter of egg is about 0.15 mm 2 2 cell stage 3 16 cell stage (morula) 4 Entry of blastocyst in the lumen of uterus. Disappearance of zona pellucida. Diameter of blastocyst is about 0.3 mm 7-8 Partial...

