Diploid Chromosome Number

Diploid Chromosome Number

Humans have a diploid chromosome number of 46 chromosomes. In other words, there are a total of 46 chromosomes in human cells. The diploid number varies depending on each species. Having a diploid chromosome number means that an organism?s cells contain pairs of homologous chromosomes. 

- Autosomes & Sex Chromosomes
All About Autosomes and Sex Chromosomes: Let me start off by explaining that Autosomes and Sex Chromosomes are from the same chromosome, which contains 46 chromosomes total. In each chromosome there are TWO Sex Chromosomes out of the total 46...

- Meiosis
This produces sex cells i.e. sperm and eggs. The sex cells (gametes) have half the number (haploid) of chromosomes, so that when fertilisation occurs the fertised egg has the full compliment of chromosomes (diploid). Look at the following sequence, which...

- What Is The Cause Of Turner's Syndrome?
A) Presence of additional copy of X-chromosome. B) Absence of one of the X-chromosomes C) Trisomy of chromosome number 21.D) None of these The correct answer is: B) Absence of one of the X-chromosomes...

- Trisomy
Term: trisomy,  (tri-)+ (-somic)Origin: Anc Greek ????-/????? (= the number three)????/soma (=body) > ????/syma(=corpse)Coined: In plants, first case of trisomy was investigated in Datura stromonium (Jimson weed) by Blakeslee and Belting in 1924....

- Sex Determination In Animals
Sex chromosomes and AutosomesMost of the diploid organisms are with separate sexes. The organisms producing sperms are called males and those producing eggs (ova) are called females. Chromosome is the major factor to determine the sex of an organism. The...

