

Term: colon

Origin: An Greek ?????/colon(=large intestine) 
> the word ????? is the pariciple of the verb ??????/kolazo (=punish, excaudate, cut)

Definition:  The last part of the digestive system that moves waste material from the small intestine to the rectum.

- Angiodysplasia
Term: angiodysplasiaLiterally meaning: ?abnormal vessel formation?Origin: Anc Greek??????/aggio (=vessel, receptacle) > ?????/aggos(=tube)+???-/dys-(=with a negative sense meaning difficult, bad, abnormal, misfortune) > ???/dyo(=decline) ????/dysi(=sundown)??????/plasso(=create,...

- Ileum
Term: ileumLiterally meaning: twistedOrigin: Anc Greek ?????/ileo(=keep, retain, twist, confine)+um a suffix that forms singular nounsCoined/HistoryDefinition Ileum is the final section of the small intestine just before the large intestine (colon)....

- Colonoscopy
Term: colonoscopy Origin: Anc Greek?????/colon(=large intestine)>  the word ????? is the pariciple of the verb ?????? /kolazo (=punish, excaudate, cut)+ ??????/scopos(=aim, look at) literally meaning ?examination of colon? Definition:Colonoscopy...

- Colitis
Term : colitis Origin: An Greek ?????/colon(=large intestine)   + -????/itis(=inflammation of) Definition: Inflammation of colon due usually to inflammatory bowel disease or infections ....

- Digestive System
Digestive System.Kinder beim Mittagessen, M.L.Benjamin VautierThe digestive system is the main one responsible for processing the food we consume, so that it can be used as an energetic support or as a font of source materials.The digestive system fragments...

