

Term: cholera

Origin:  An Greek ????/chole (=gall, bile)  as  obstruction of the small intestine, even as far as the the jejunum and ileum of the small intestine, will usually cause the expulsion of intestinal contents which have already mixed with bile in the duodenum.

Coined :


Cholera is an acute intestinal infection caused by ingestion of food or water contaminated with the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. The main symptoms are profuse watery diarrhea and vomiting.
Cholera has been prevalent in the Ganges delta since ancient times. There have been seven cholera pendemics in the past 200 years, with the seventh originating in Indonesia in 1961.

- Which Disease Is Detected Using Widal Test?
A) Malaria B) AIDS C) Typhoid D) Cholera The correct answer is: C) Typhoid...

- # 62 Immunity And Vaccination
A person is immune to a disease if the pathogen that causes the disease is unable to reproduce in the body and cause illness. This happens when the body already contains, or is able rapidly to make, large quantities of antibodies against the antigens...

- # 54.2 Infectious Disease - Syllabus 2016
10.1  Infectious diseases 10.2  Antibiotics The infectious diseases studied in this section are caused by pathogens that  are transmitted from one human host  to another. Some, like Plasmodium that  causes malaria, are transmitted...

- Enterocolitis
Term: enterocolitisLiterally meaning: "inflammation of of the colon and small intestine?Origin: Anc Greek???????/enteron(=intestine, bowel) < ?????/entos(=inside, within)???????/colitis(=inflammation of the colon  and is often used to describe...

- Gastroenteritis
Term: gastroenteritis Origin: Ancient  Greek ?????? >gaster(=stomach) + ??????> entero (=intestine) + itis (=inflammation) Coined: - Definition:an inflammation of the stomach and intestines resulting in anorexia, nausea, vomiting, fever ,...

