

Term: amalgalm
Literally meaning: ?softening substance?
Origin: Anc Greek
???????/malagma (=soft  substance) > ???????/malasso(=to soften)
The use of the term  originally was referred to soft masses due to chemical manipulation.
Amalgalm is any of various alloys of mercury with other metals especially one used for  dental fillings.

- Thulium (tm)
Term: thulium (Tm)Literally meaning: ?pertaining to Thoule land?Origin According Greek explorer Pytheas of Massalia (4 t6h cen BC)  Thoulewas the northernmost habitable region of the world. Pytheas about 330 BC was travelled to England and then...

- Antimony (sb)
Term: antimony (Sb) Literally meaning: ?not alone, against aloneness? Origin: Anc Greek????-/anti- (=prefix meaning opposed to, against, instead)?????/monos (=alone) Coined/History     Plini the Elder referred to male had female...

- Agonist
Term: agonistLiterally meaning: ? fighter?Origin: Anc Greek?????????/antagonistis(=fighter, combatant) > ????/agon(=contest, fight)Coined/History  (?)Definition(pharmacology) : Agonist is chemical substance  that trigger a neuronal receptor...

- Malacoplacia
Term: malacoplacia Literally meaning: ?soft flat plate? Origin: Anc Greek???????/malacos(=soft, weak) >??????/omalos(=smooth)+????/apto(=touch)????/plax(=flat plate)  Coined/History in the early 1900s by German pathologist David Paul von...

- Protein
Term: proteinOrigin: Anc Greek ?????? /protos (=first or prime importance) +(feminine) -???/ine, French chemical suffix for feminine nouns used in chemistry to form endings of substances.  Coined:. by Jons Jakob Berzelius (1779-1848) a Swedish chemist...

