

Term: agonist
Literally meaning: ? fighter?
Origin: Anc Greek
?????????/antagonistis(=fighter, combatant) > ????/agon(=contest, fight)
(pharmacology) : Agonist is chemical substance  that trigger a neuronal receptor that it binds. This drug effectively mimics the action of natural (endogenous) substance in the body.

    - Amalgalm
    Term: amalgalmLiterally meaning: ?softening substance? Origin: Anc Greek???????/malagma (=soft  substance) > ???????/malasso(=to soften)Coined/HistoryThe use of the term  originally was referred to soft masses due to chemical manipulation....

    - Hydrolase
    Term: hydrolaseLiterally meaning: ?enzyme of breaking down water?Origin: Anc Greek????/hydor(=water)+-???/-asy(=-ase) enzyme suffix added to the name of the substrate that the enzyme  hydrolyzes eg proteinase for protein or lipase for lipids >???-/dia-(=prefix...

    - Antigen
    Term: antigen Literally meaning: ? antibody generator?Origin: Anc Greek????-/anti- (=prefix meaning opposed to, against, instead) + ?????/geno(=produce, give birth to)Coined/HistoryBy Hungarian physician and microbiologist Laszlo Detre (1874-1939)...

    - Endogenous
    Term:endogenousOrigin: Anc Greek????-/endo(=within)-?????/genis(=comb. form meaning "generating, producing)Definition:Any factor or substance that is originating from inside the body or cell or system (internally caused). ...

    - Hormone
    Term : hormone Origin: Anc Greek  ????/orme(=to rush, to set in motion)Coined: by Hippocrates to denote a vital principle (ca. 460 BC ? ca. 370 BC) eg in the famous Hippocratic Treatise "Sacred Disease" it is mentioned that the corruption of the...


