prognathus or prognathism

prognathus or prognathism

Term: prognathus or prognathism
Literally meaning: ?jaw forward?
Origin: Anc Greek
???-/pro-(= suffix denoting ?toward?, ?in front of?, ?precede?, ?before?)
+ ??????/gnathos(=jaw, maxilla)
Jaw protrusion as a critical physical characteristic was coined by English anthropologist by Sir Edward Evans-Pritchard (1902 ? 1973). In contrast, jaw retraction was named ?orthognathism?.
(Sourse: RACE AND AESTHETICS IN THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF PETRUS CAMPER (1722-1789), Editions Rodopi bv, Amsterdam-Atlanta, GA 1999).

Prognathous is the condition which is associated with a projecting jaw. Prognathism is considered a malformation only if it affects speech or  mastication.

- Micrognathia Or Micrognathism
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- Prophylaxis
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- Preclinical
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- Kyphosis
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- Empathy
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