

Term: poikilocyte
Literally meaning: ?cell of different form?
Origin: Anc Greek
????????/ poikilos(=various, different)
+cyte (=combining form meaning ?cell? derived from anc Greek word ??????/cytion (=boxcontainer)
Poikilocyte is an abnormally shaped red cell (erythrocyte) such as a sickle cell, acanthocyte, or,  elliptocyte which are detected in cases of various anaemias.

- Acanthocyte
Term: acanthocyteLiterally meaning: ?thorny cell?Origin: Anc Greek??????/acantha(=thorn, sharp spiny structure)+????-/cyto- (=-cyte combining form meaning ?cell? derived from anc Greek ??????/kytion/cytion=box, container) Coined/History  The term...

- Spherocytosis
Term: spherocytosis Literally meaning: ?state of spherical cells? Origin: Anc Greek??????/sphera(=sphere, ball)+????-/cyto- (=-cyte combining form meaning ?cell? derived from anc Greek ??????/kytion/cytion=box, container)+(-????)/(-osis...

- Poikilocytosis
Term: poikilocytosisLiterally meaning: ?state of having cells of various forms?Origin: Anc Greek????????/ poikilos(=various)+cyte (=combining form meaning ?cell? derived from anc Greek word ??????/cytion (=box, container)+(-????)/-osis(=+(-????/(-osis)(=suffix...

- Monocyte
Term: monocyteLiterally meaning: «single cell?Origin: Anc Greek?????/monos(=single)+cyte (=combining form meaning ?cell? derived from anc Greek word ??????/cytion(=box, container)Coined/History(?)DefinitionMonocyte is a type of mononuclear leucocyte...

- Leucocyte
Term: leucocyteLiterally meaning: white cell Origin: Anc Greek??????/leucos(=white)+ cyte (=combining form meaning ?cell? derived from anc Greek word ??????/cytion(=box, container)Coined/HistoryDefinitionLeucocyte is blood white cell part of the immune...

