

Term: plasmacyte
Literally meaning: ?plasma cell?
Origin: Anc Greek
?????? (noun)/plasma (=something formed or molded, an idol)> ??????/plasso(=create, form, mold).
+????-/cyto- (=combining form meaning ?cell? derived from anc Greek ??????/kytion/cytion=box, container)
Plasmacyte (or plasma cell) is a type of of leukocyte that produces antibodies, derived from B cells.

- Plasmapheresis
Term: plasmapheresisLiterally meaning: ?withdraw plasma? Origin: Anc Greek? JJ ABEL 1857 ? 1938? ??????(noun)/plasma (=something formed or molded, an idol) > ??????/plasso(=create, form, mold).+?????????/apheresis(=taking away, withdraw)Coined/HistoryIn...

- Heteroplasny
Term: heteroplasmyLiterally meaning: different formOrigin: Anc Greek??????/heteros(=different, other, next)?????? (noun)/ plasma(=something formed or molded, an idol) > ??????/plasso(=create, form, mold).Coined/History(?)Definition Heteroplasmy is...

- Symplast
Term:symplastOrigin: Anc Greek???-/syn-(=together)?????? (noun)/plasma(=something formed or molded, an idol) > ??????/plasso(=create, form, mold) literally apoplast means the continuality of cell protoplasts in a plant body Coined:By E. Munch (1930)...

- Apoplast
Term:apoplastOrigin: Anc Greek???-/apo(=away from)?????? (noun)/plasma(=something formed or molded, an idol) > ??????/plasso(=create, form, mold) literally apoplast means that thee is a distinction or detachment  of cell protoplast in a plant...

- Plasmid
Term: plasmidOrigin: Anc Greek ?????? (noun)/plasma(=something formed or molded, an idol) > ??????/plasso(=create, form, mold) -????/idio(=-id, suffix that is used as diminutive of a noun )original meaning of plasma: substance of uncertain shape.Joshua...

