

Term: phagocytosis
Literally meaning: "the eating of cells"
Origin: Anc Greek
?????/phagos(=eater) > ??????/ephagon(=indefinite tense of verb "?????"/esthio(eat, devour)
+cyte(=combining form meaning ?cell? derived from anc Greek word ??????/cytion (=box, container)
=-????/-osis(=suffix denoting usually a procces )
In 1882 by Russian zoologist Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov (1845-1916) described the specialized cells that were involved in the defense against microbial infections and  after sharing his findings with Carl Friedrich Claus (Vienna) he named them "phagocytes". Mechnikov, a year later added the term "phagocytosis" concerning all the procces of engulfing  pathogens by these cells.  
Phagocytosis is the cellular process  which is used by cells  of immune system in order to engulf and indigest solid particles as microorganisms and cellular debris.

- # 58 The Immune System - Phagocytes
Credit: Pass My Exams.The human immune system is made up of the organs and tissues involved in destroying pathogens inside the body. There are 2 main groups of cells involved: ? phagocytes: ingest and digest pathogens or infected cells; ? lymphocytes: ...

- Pheochromocytoma
Term: pheochromocytomaLiterally meaning:Origin: Anc Greek?????/pheos(= dusky, dim)+?????-/chromo-(=combining form denoting color)+????-/cyto- (=-cyte combining form meaning ?cell? derived from anc Greek ??????/kytion/cytion=box, container) +-???/-oma...

- Pleiocytosis
Term: pleiocytosisLiterally meaning: ?state of most cells?Origin: Anc Greek????? or ??????/pleon or pleion(=more, the comparative of ?????/polys=much)+cyte (=combining form meaning ?cell? derived from anc Greek word ??????/cytion (=box, container)+(-????/-osis(=(=suffix...

- Poikilocytosis
Term: poikilocytosisLiterally meaning: ?state of having cells of various forms?Origin: Anc Greek????????/ poikilos(=various)+cyte (=combining form meaning ?cell? derived from anc Greek word ??????/cytion (=box, container)+(-????)/-osis(=+(-????/(-osis)(=suffix...

- Macrophage
Term: macrophageLiterally meaning: ?big eater?Origin: Anc Greek??????/macros (=large)+?????/phogos(=eater) > ??????/ephagon(=indefinite tense of verb "?????"/esthio(eat, devour)Coined/History(?)DefinitionMacrophage is a type of mononuclear leucocyte...

