Wow Science
Why do you think the project that you found yesterday is the best? Do you think anyone elses would be cool?
Your Stuff
What kinds of cool stuff did you get to put into you jars yesterday? Why is your jar going to be so much better then everyone else?...
Human Genome Project
What is the human genome project? How has it changed the way that we look at genetic diseases/disorders, gene therapy, and forensics science?...
You should have in the back of your minds what WOW science project you want to do and know that this is tonight from 5:00 - 6:45. But what project do you hope to do and why? And I put you on YouTube....
Preview Time
Yesterday everyone got to pick their own genetic disease. Tell me something that you found on that disease that you didn't know about....
How are we able to tell one person genes from someone body elses genes?...