Week Twelve: Vaccination and Public Health

Week Twelve: Vaccination and Public Health

Parents' Roles in Immunization

The one thing that I really regret as a mom is not having more input for my kids' immunization schedule. I was at a stage in my life when I just blithely trusted the wisdom of western medicine. As a consequence, when the doctor suggested that we get some shots out of the way before we even left the hospital, I said "great". Both of my boys got a bunch of shots before they were four weeks old. The older one got shots preserved in mercury (thimersol). Thankfully, my kids have come through it all unscathed, but lots of kids don't. The wholesale assault on the babies' immune systems at such a young age is unnecessary and very damaging. So, obviously I am of the view that parents should play a very active role in immunization schedule. To that end, see generationrescue.org for a safe vaccination schedule.

Compulsory Vaccinations

I think this is such a tough issue. I think a lot of parents now just opt out of immunization without any real information on the risks and benefits. As a result, all kids are at risk, even immunized ones to some degree. I think that the institution of vaccination has gotten too out of touch with the real risks and the negative experiences of lots of kids and parents who have developed autism and other developmental problems as a result of vaccines. The medical establishment just wants everyone vaccinated, fast. The better approach is to change the schedule for vaccinations, so that kids are able to tolerate them. And, if kids have siblings who have developmental difficulties, they should be especially careful. But, I think the benefits of vaccinations outweigh the risks. Families should be able to opt out only if they have really educated themselves.

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