urethra and (adj) urethral

urethra and (adj) urethral

Term: urethra and (adj) urethral

Literally meaning: "the passage for urine?

Origin: Anc Greek
?????/uron(=urine) >????/????(=watery liquid) >???/roe(=flowing)
+???/-thra (=noun suffix).

by Hippocrates (460 BC ? ca. 370 BC).

Urethra is the tube leading from the bladder to discharge urine and in males semen in males outside the body . 

Term: hematuria Literally meaning: ?urine with blood? Origin: Anc Greek ????-/hema(-blood)  (gen ???????/hematos) +?????/-uria > ?????uron(=urine) Coined/History Definition The presence of erythrocytes in urine ...

- Urochrome
Term: urochrom Literally meaning: ?color of urine? Origin: Anc Greek?????/uron(=urine) >????/????(=watery liquid) >???/roe(=flowing)+ ?????/chroma(=color) > ??????/chripto(=touch or anoint) Coined/History(?)Definition Urochrom is the yellow bile...

- Urethritis
Term: urethritis Literally meaning: ?inflammation of  urethra? Origin: Anc Greek?????/uron(=urine) >????/????(=watery liquid) >???/roe(=flowing)+ (-????)/-???? (=-itis, suffix meaning ?pertaining to? or ?inflammation?.) It is in feminine gender...

- Proteinuria
Term: proteinuriaLiterally meaning: ?protein in urine?Origin: Anc Greek????????/proteini(=protein) > ??????/protos(=first or of prime importance) ?????/uron(=urine) >????/????(=watery liquid) >???/roe(=flowing)Coined/History(?)DefinitionProteinuria...

- Blennorrhea, Gonorrhea
Term: blennorrhea, gonorrheablenno+rrhea, gono+rrhea Origin: Anc Greek ??????/blenna(=mucus)+???/roe(=flow) ?????/gonos(=offspring)> ?????/ genea(=generation)because initially mucus discharge was mistaken for semen+???/roe(=flow) CoinedThe term gonorrhea...

