The Most: Related to body parts

The Most: Related to body parts

1.       Busiest organ
2.       Fastest known enzyme
Carbonic anhydrase
3.       Hardest part of the body
Enamel of tooth
4.       Heaviest organ
Liver (1.6 kilograms)
5.       Heaviest part of the body
6.       Largest (bulkiest) muscle of human body
Gluteus maximus (Buttock muscle)
7.       Largest blood cell
8.       Largest blood vessel (Artery)
Aorta (abdominal aorta)
9.       Largest bone of man
Femur bone
10.   Largest cell
Egg of Ostrich (15- 20 cm in diameter)
11.   Largest cell in human body
Ovum (egg)
12.   Largest cell organelle
13.   Largest endocrine gland
Thyroid gland
14.   Largest enzyme
15.   Largest excretory organ
16.   Largest gland
Liver (1.5 kg)
17.   Largest nerve
10th cranial nerve (Vagus)
18.   Largest organ
Skin (4 kg; 24 cubic feet)
19.   Largest salivary gland
Parotid gland
20.   Largest sense organ
21.   Largest vein
Inferior vena cava
22.   Largest WBC
23.   Longest cell
Neuron (Nerve cell)
24.   Longest muscle
Sartorius (Thigh muscle)
25.   Longest nerve
26.   Longest part of the alimentary canal
Small intestine (7m)
27.   Most abundant compound in a cell
Water (Next to water protein)
28.   Most abundant mineral in vertebrate body
Ca (2%); followed by P (1%)
29.   Most flexible organ
30.   Part having least amount of water
Enamel of tooth
31.   Part having much amount of water
32.   Part having thickest skin
Sole of the foot (about 4.7 mm)
33.   Part having thinnest skin
Face (0.12 mm)
34.   Second largest gland
35.   Smallest artery
Phrenics (To diaphragm)
36.   Smallest blood vessels
Blood capillaries
37.   Smallest bone
Stapes of ear
38.   Smallest cell
Mycoplasma  gallisepticum (PPLO)
39.   Smallest cell of the vertebrate body
Squamous epithelial cells
40.   Smallest cell organelle
Ribosome (Found in maximum number)
41.   Smallest endocrine gland
42.   Smallest enzyme
43.   Smallest face bone
Lachrymal bone
44.   Smallest muscle
Stapedius (near stapes)
45.   Smallest nerve
Pathetic trochlear nerve (4th cranial nerve)
46.   Smallest salivary gland
Sublingual gland
47.   Smallest WBC
48.   Strongest bone
Femur bone (not jaw bone)
49.   Sweetest protein
50.   Sweetest sugar
51.   Thinnest skin
52.   Hardest working muscle
Heart muscles
53.   Strongest muscle based on its weight
Masseter (Jaw muscles), somebody says it is Uterus
54.   Muscle that can pull with the greatest force

- Amazing Facts About Ear
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- The Most: Related To Animals -4 (reptiles)
Anaconda 1.         Fastest snake African mumba (30 km/hr) 2.         Heaviest snake Anaconda (8.25 m length; 227 kg) 3.        ...

- The Most: Related To Animals -3 (amphibians)
1.         Fastest Amphibian (On Land) Six-linedracerunner (found in USA). can run at 29 kph 2.         Highest elevation frog It may be Bufo latastii. It was described...

- The Most: Related To Animals -2 (fishes)
1.         Fastest fish Sail fish (Istiphorus platypterus): 109 km/hr 2.         Heaviest Bony Fish Ocean sunfish is the heaviest largest ever recorded 2.28 tonnes...

- The Most: Related To Microbes
PPLO 1.         Largest (longest) plant virus Citrus tristeza (rod shaped)- 20,000 nm in size (0.02 mm) 2.         Largest animal virus Parrot fever Virus (450...

