sphygnomanometer or sphygometer
Term: sphygnomanometer or sphygometer
Literally meaning: ?measure of rare pulse?
Origin: Anc Greek???????/sphygmos(=pulse) >?????/sphysso(=to throb)
?????/manos(=thin, loose, rare)
??????/metron (= measure)
The first crude clinical sphyngomanometer was invented in 1896 by Scipione Riva-Rocci (1863-1937) who made a simple instrument to measure blood pressure using simple objects like ink-pot, mercury and a bicycle tubular tire.
A sphygnomanometer is the device for measuring blood pressure
Simple Microscope
Aneroid Barometer
Term: aneroid barometerLiterally meaning: ?meausure of weight?Origin: Anc Greek?????/varys (=heavy) ??????/metron (=meausure)Coined/HistoryThe first barometer was invented in 1644, by Talian mathematician and physicist Evangelista Toriricelli...
Term: pyrometer Literally meaning: ?meausure of fire? Origin: Anc Greek???/pyr(=fire, redish) +??????/metron (=meausure) Coined/HistoryThe first pyrometer was invented by English potter Josiah Wedgwood (1730-1795) in order to measure the temprature inside...
Term: barometerLiterally meaning: ? measure of weight?Origin: Anc Greek?????/varys (=heavy) ??????/metron (= measure)Coined/HistoryThe first barometer was invented by Talian mathemathecian and physicist Evangelista Toriricelli (1608-1647)...
Term: thermometerLiterally meaning: "heat meausure"Origin: Anc Greek??????/thermos(=warm) >????/thero(=to warm)??????/metron (=meausure)Coined/HistoryThe first crude clinical thermometer was invented by Italian Santorio Santorio who put a numerical...