spermatozoon (pl spermatozoa)

spermatozoon (pl spermatozoa)

Term: spermatozoon (pl spermatozoa)
Literally meaning: ?a live and motile seed?
Origin: Anc Greek
??????(=seed) > ??????/spearo (=disperse)
Spermatozoa were first observed in 1677 by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek with  a microscope. Leeuwenhoek named them animalcules(litle animals) because it was believed that each sperm contained a well formed but small human.
The male reproductive cell (gamete)  that is uniflagellar and motile . 

- Spermatogenesis
Term: spermatogenesisLiterally meaning: ?process of producing sperm?Origin: Anc Greek??????(=seed) > ??????/spearo (=disperse)+ ?????/geno (= ?give birth to?, ?producer of?)Coined/History(?)DefinitionSpermatogenesis is...

- Spermatocyst
Term: spermatocystLiterally meaning: ?sac filled with sperm?Origin: Anc Greek??????(=seed) > ??????/spearo (=disperse)??????/cystis(=pouch or anatomical sac eg bladder)> ???/kyo(=carry a baby in a sac)Coined/History(?)Definition(botany) any...

- Spermatids
Term: spermatidsLiterally meaning: ?genital passage?Origin: Anc Greek??????(=seed) > ??????/spearo (=disperse)+-????/idio(=-id, suffix that is used as diminutive of a noun )Coined/History(?)DefinitionThe spermatid is...

- Zoospore
Term: zoospore Literally meaning: ?seed like animal? Origin: Anc Greek????/zoon=(a live thing, animal)+ ??????(=seed) > (=sow) > ??????/spearo (=disperse) Coined/History(?) DefinitionA zoospore is a motile sexual  flagellate spore without...

- Meiosis
Oscar Hertwig (1849-1922)Term:  meiosis Origin: Anc Greek ?????/meion(=less) + -????/osis(=process)  à lessening Coined: by Oscar Hertwig, in 1876 who was the first to discover the process of meiosis inside the eggs of a sea urchin. The sea...

