

Term: schistomelia

Literally meaning: ?split limb ?

Origin: Anc Greek
?????/schiso(=slash, divide)
+ ?????/melos(=member, limbmelody)


Schistomelia is the congenital cleft of a limb.   

- Schistocormia Or Schistosomia
Term: schistocormia or schistosomia Literally meaning: ?cut trunk ? Origin: Anc Greek?????/schiso(=slash, divide)+ ??????/cormos(=trunk of a tree) > ?????/kiro(=cut, incise) Coined/History(?) DefinitionSchistocormia is a...

- Schistocephaly
 Term: schistocephaly Literally meaning: ?cleft  head ? Origin: Anc Greek?????/schiso(=slash, divide)+ ???????/cephalin(=head) Coined/History(?) DefinitionSchistocephaly is cleft or split head.  ...

- Schistorrachis
Term: schistorrachis Literally meaning: ?cleft  vertebra (back) ? Origin: Anc Greek?????/schiso(=slash, divide)+?????/rachis(=vertebra) > ?????/rachia(=coast) Coined/History(?) DefinitionSchistorrachis is a congenital...

- Schistoglossia
Term: schistoglossia Literally meaning: ?cleft (bifid) tongue? Origin: Anc Greek?????/schiso(=slash, divide) + ??????/glossa(=tongue, language) Coined/History(?) Definition Congenital fissure or cleft of the tongue .   ...

- Membrane
Term: membrane Origin: a) Latin from membrum (=limb, member of the body) and membrane means that which covers the members of the body or b) Anc Greek ???????/membras(=thin layer of leather, hide) Coined: 1601 Definition: thin layer of tissue that...

