

Respiration is the breakdown of large glucose molecules into simple molecules such as carbon dioxide and water with the simultaneous release of energy inside living cells. It is an enzyme mediated process.

Main processes:
Glycolysis (glucose to pyruvate, occurs in cytosol)
Link Reactions (pyruvate to acetyl CoA, occurs in intermembranal space)
Krebs cycle (acetyl CoA to carbon dioxide, occurs in the matrix)
Oxidative phosphorylation (occurs in the inner membrane)

- Krebs Cycle Broken Down
The Krebs cycle, also known as the Citric Acid cycle, is a very important process in cellular respiration. Without this portion, respiration would not be possible. This is because the Krebs cycle uses the pyruvate molecules from glycolysis to produce...

- Q: Explain The Small Yield Of Atp From Anaerobic Respiration
In the absence of oxygen, the conversion of pyruvate to acetyl CoA, the Krebs cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation are prevented as oxygen is not available as the final electron acceptor. Hence, only glycolysis can occur, generating 2 molecules of ATP...

- #87 Respiration, Glycolysis
Respiration is the oxidation of energy-containing organic molecules. The energy released from this process is used to combine ADP with inorganic phosphate to make ATP. All cells obtain useable energy through respiration. Most cells use carbohydrate,...

- #85 Energy And Respiration - Syllabus 2016
12.1  Energy12.2  Respiration Energy is a fundamental concept in biology. All living things  require  a source of cellular energy to drive their various activities. ATP is the universal  energy currency as its molecules are small,...

- Q & A
Questions Plants derive energy from the _____________ of Glucose into __________. The time in which a cell oxidizes glucose is known as______. The oxidation of glucose into pyruvate is a process known as__________. What is the energy released during glycolysis...

