

Term: peritoneum
Literally meaning: ?stretched around?
Origin: Anc Greek
????-/peri- (=combining form meaning  ?around?)
+?????/tonos(=stretching) > ?????/taneo(=strain)
Peritoneum is the thin membrane that lines part of the abdominal and pelvic cavitiy, and covers most abdominal viscera and organs.

- Isotonic
Term: isotonicLiterally meaning: ?having equal tension?Origin: Anc Greek????/isos(=equal) comping form ???-/iso- eg isomer, isopod+?????/tonos (=the normal state of elastic tension or partial contraction in resting muscles) > ?????/taneo(=strain)Coined/History(?)...

- Hypotonia
Term: hypotonia Literally meaning: ?diminished tone or tension? Origin: Anc Greek???-/hypo- (prefix meaning "under", "beneath", "less", ?diminished?)+?????/tonos (= the normal state of elastic tension or partial contraction in resting muscles) > ?????/taneo(=strain)...

- Periosteum
Term: periosteum Literally meaning: ?around the bone?Origin: Anc Greek????-/peri- (=combining form meaning ?around?)+ ??????/osteo?(=bone) > ? (accumulate) + ??????/istimi(stand) +-um=latin suffix that forms singular nounsCoined/HistoryDefinitionPeriosteum...

- Hypotonic
Term:hypotonicOrigin: Anc Greek???/hypo(=under)?????/tonos(=stretching)> ?????/taneo(=strain)Definition:1. Having less than normal tone or tension.2. Having a lower osmotic pressure in comparison with a reference solution....

- Membrane
Term: membrane Origin: a) Latin from membrum (=limb, member of the body) and membrane means that which covers the members of the body or b) Anc Greek ???????/membras(=thin layer of leather, hide) Coined: 1601 Definition: thin layer of tissue that...

