

Term: perimysium
Literally meaning: ?around the muscle?
Origin: Anc Greek
????-/peri- (=combining form meaning  ?around?)
+ ???/mys/ (=muscle, mouse) > ???/myo(=enclosed, like the muscle inside body or the rat in its nest=epimys)
+-um=latin suffix that forms singular nouns
Perimisium is connective tissue sheath  which surrounds several muscle (beetwen 10 to 100 or more) fibers into sections (bundles).

- Myopathy
Term: myopathyLiterally meaning: ?suffering of  muscles?Origin: Anc Greek???-/myo-(=comping form meaning muscle) > ???/mys/(=muscle) > ???/myo(=enclosed like the muscle inside body or rat in its nest=epimys)+???????/patheia(-pathy, suffix denoting...

- Angiomyoma
Term: angiomyomaLiterally meaning: ?growth of muscle vessel?Origin: Anc Greek??????/aggio (=vessel, receptacle) > ?????/aggos(=tube)+???-/myo-(=comping form meaning muscle) > ???/mys/(=muscle) > ???/myo(=enclosed like the muscle inside body...

- Tropomyosin
Term: tropomyosin Literally meaning: ?that which is turned in muscle?Origin: Anc Greek+-??????/tropos(=suffix denoting way, habit, direction or tendency) >?????/trepo(=turn)+???-/myo-(=combining form meaning muscle) > ???/mys/ (=muscle) > ???/myo(=enclosed...

- Myonymy
Term: myonymy Literally meaning: ?the name of muscle? Origin: Anc Greek+???-/myo-(=combining form meaning muscle) > ???/mys/ (=muscle) > ???/myo(=enclosed like the muscle inside body or rat in its nest=epimys)+?????/ onoma (=name) > ????/nemo...

- Myalgia
Term: myalgiaLiterally meaning: ?pain of the muscle?Origin: Anc Greek+???-/myo-(=combining form meaning muscle) > ???/mys/ (=muscle) > ???/myo(=enclosed like the muscle inside body or rat in its nest=epimys)?????/algos(=ache, pain) > ??????/loigos(=pain,...

